8 Things That May Cause Your Kids To Need Therapy

By Debbie Godfrey


A common fear many parents have is that you will do something that will cause your kids to need therapy in the future. I know when I was raising my kids, I used to say to myself, "I just want to parent in a way that my kids don't need to go to counseling when they grow up". And, while I don't have anything against counseling, in fact, I strongly suggest counseling to many parents and for many kids:

I did not want to be the CAUSE of my kids needing therapy.


Here are some common mistakes parents make that kids can "misinterpret" in a way that damages their self-esteem and causes emotional/social problems later on:

  1. Yelling at them
  2. Spanking in anger
  3. Not valuing them (in the way a child feels valued)
  4. Comparing to others, including siblings
  5. Not allowing kids to be kids
  6. Allowing children to be disrespectful to parents and others
  7. Not setting good limits (and following through)
  8. Not understanding how a child thinks and why they act the way they do

I'm sure there are more, but these are some of the most common. The upcoming Positive Parenting Teleclass is designed to help you parent in a way that builds your child self-esteem, while at the same time causing them to be respectful and responsible.

Do you want this?


  • Do you want to know that you are doing everything in your power to be a good enough parent?
  • Do you want simple tools that get your kids to behave better and are FUN?
  • Do you want to feel like your are doing a GREAT job as a mom? (or dad!)
  • Do you want to have a class and an instructor (me!) that cares deeply about you, your children and your family?


Then register now for the next free Positive Parenting Teleclass about Power Struggles and learn how to sign up for the class.  For the cost of about 4 counseling sessions, you could prevent years of counseling in the future.

Are your kids worth it?


Mine were, I think yours are too. Join me on this journey and learn the tools to be the fantastic parent you always wanted to be.

Happy Parenting!
