We have less power struggles, more closeness, less fighting, more hugs, and everyone is feeling good.”
- Sheryl Jo Bedal, mother of 3

“My coping skills have improved by understanding children are children. My children show much more independence and trust amongst themselves.”
- Aminda Flores, mother of 4

“This class has reinforced the best ways to empower children in small groups or large.”
- Carol Lefkowitz, kindergarten teacher

“In my child(ren) I’ve notice an attentive nature when it comes to accepting my discipline. I have shown a lot more compassion and love during my disciplinary actions. We’ve become a warm and loving family.”
- Nancy Klassen, mother of 1 and home Day Care Provider

“I’ve been thinking situations through before acting and have a calmer approach when involving myself in situations. We have more cooperation.”
- Timothy Ellinger, father of 4