I’m so excited to begin helping you wake up every single day as a parent with less stress, more confidence, and more enjoyment.
Where do I start?
Can you help me fix something for under $10?
Try one of my mini-workshops to get started! Positive Parenting is a lifestyle. These are recordings of live workshops along with handouts designed to tackle specific issues and give you real-world examples of Positive Parenting. After listening to one of these classes, and practicing the ideas, you will be amazed how little changes make such a HUGE difference in your children.
A great introduction to Positive Parenting, my teaching style and the benefits of healthy communication with your child.
A parenting class that goes where you do.
Debbie Godfrey Presents:
Positive Parenting Class
A parenting workshop you can take anywhere
Dealing with Power Struggles
An Online Video Class
First class information on a crucial topic. Very helpful for parenting little or older kids...
I was able to start using this knowledge as soon as my son came home from preschool and we had the best night we've had in a long time.
Very helpful... new points of view... I think about our relationships with my son... I learned a lot about preventing power struggles... thank you so much!