- by Diane Clark Johnson

Development is given in a range of years. Each child develops as an individual. Ask yourself, are you expecting too much or too little?

Your child's behavior "problem" may be just one of his/her important and normal developmental tasks. Awareness of these tasks should reassure you that your child’s development is normal and likely to change again soon. A behavior "problem" often lasts more than 6 months, happens in more than one place consistently, and appears as a pattern.

Normal Expectations:

During the past 15-20 years intrauterine development has become very important. Prior to this time, environmental effects on fetal development were not considered important.

Piaget’s Sensorimotor Period (Birth to 2 years)

0-1 years

  • Trust of caregiver/parent
  • Forming a secure attachment now is critical for later years
  • World view is expanding

1-3 years

  • Focus Oriented, can now experience outrage
  • Self-control/self-management are key
  • Impulses are out of control
  • Parallel play normal
  • Peers are competitors or providers
  • Perspective taking is just beginning
  • Able to learn cause and effect
  • Thinking is relatively concrete

Piaget’s Preoperational Period (2-7 years)

2-5 years

  • During the first five years of life, children are egocentric -- they can only see their own perspective
  • Increasing ability to tolerate frustration and to delay gratification
  • Important for them to say NO, allows them to have feeling of control
  • Normal to have focused aggression
  • Play is critical, imaginary friends are useful and normal
  • External to internal control begins to develop/ more able to self-regulate
  • Socialization learned; learning what is socially appropriate
  • Language development
  • Gender identity

5-7 years

  • A very sensitive time for child when making mistakes
  • Parent needs to allow mistakes and help teach that mistakes are opportunities to learn
  • Parents can have influences setting cultural bias
  • Parent can begin to plants seeds for empathy, through modeling

Piaget’s Period of Concrete Operations (7-11 years)

6-12 years

  • Latency, this period sexual and aggressive drives diminish
  • Generally a stable period
  • Beginning of our continuous memory/Can begin to develop expectations
  • Most memories are happy
  • Adaptive functions solidified, habits and patterns develop now
  • Child is often able to organize and get along on their own
  • Social skills and ego functions develop now
  • Peer relationships are key
  • Develop "social markers" or labels i.e.: fat, left-handed
  • Mastery is important, being good at something is critical
  • Interest in the outside world

Important tasks during latency

  • Friendships
  • Self control (body, emotions)
  • Mastery of environment
  • Clear distinction between public and private life (secrets)
  • External and internal life (fantasy)
  • Reassuring during this period to know there is a "Higher Authority"
  • Hobbies and organized collections offer opportunity for control, organization and order
  • Personality traits develop now

8-9 years

  • Competition enables self evaluation
  • Peer rivalry
  • Clear gender barriers in spite of efforts to avoid
  • Able to be both caring and mean
  • Teasing between sexes important -- helps set boundaries

Piaget’s Period of Formal Operations (12 and On)

12-18 years

  • Social and moral development
  • Rebellion, self identity or expression
  • They want to be trusted

When considering your child’s behavior it is important to consider:

  • normal developmental tasks, listed above
  • external factors; family stress, parenting style, environment
  • internal factors; temperament, biological vulnerability

If you suspect a behavior problem, it is important to get a thorough diagnosis. Only through a psychological evaluation can you rule out learning disabilities, ADD, ADHD, perceptual problems or genetic disorders.

Diane Clark Johnson is a Family Life Educator and director of A Family Resource in Oakland, California and co-author of Temperament Tools: Working with your Child’s Inborn Temperament Traits.