pregnant bri

I received this email the other day from Lori, a mom that took my parenting classes about 15 years ago.

"Hi Deb,
My daughter Libby shared something with me today that I thought you would get a big kick out of:
Libby said that Positive Parenting is rubbing off on her daughter Becca (age 2 yrs, 4 months). Becca made a noise, then said, "Was that a cough or a sneeze? Your choice!" I about died laughing... Seriously, though, Libby had her second daughter a few weeks ago and I was able to stay with them for over a week, and I observed how they offer Becca choices while remaining calm and pleasant.  It was SUCH a wonderful experience to know that positive parenting is being passed on to the next generation 🙂 And Becca is a HAPPY child with NO tantrums! She is already learning at this young age that the consequences she receives are a direct result of her choices. Oh that every child could learn that simple but profound lesson early in life!!"

Lori's email got me thinking about the generational differences in kids that are raised by "conscious" parents.  I would define a conscious parent as a parent that raises their child with forethought, intention, using methods that studies have shown to have positive outcomes.  In meta-studies conducted by the Family Research Laboratory discipline methods that are less coercive have consistently shown better results in the long run.

My daughter, Briana, is now pregnant.  I will be a grandma in March!!!  I am SO EXCITED for her and me!  And, like Lori, I am already noticing the differences in her level of intention and ease at which she is coming into motherhood.  She is extremely determined to have the birth be as natural as possible.  She is planning to have her baby at home with a midwife, but is also under concurrent care of an OB just in case it doesn't work out for a home birth.  She is taking care of herself, reading, studying, talking with other moms and making choices about what kind of parents they will be.  I am just in awe of all this planning!  And after watching her around her siblings, cousins, and other people's kids for many years, I have no doubt she'll be a great parent.
If you are raising a young child now, one thing you are doing is modeling what type of parent your child is going to be.  Do you like the way you parent?  Do you feel confident?  Do you think your child is learning the things that are important to you?  If you did not have those things growing up, then you may not have those skills "inside" you.  Many of us know what we DON'T want to do, but without giving ourselves outside information, we may not know what TO DO instead.  Hence the value of parenting classes.  So I hope you will surf around my website and read the resources here.  I have written on many topics that may be of interest to you and give you alternative ideas that make your kids more respectful and your parenting much more fun.


Happy Parenting!

